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Cloud Zoom to Rush to Office365 Video

Faculty now have access to Zoom “record in the cloud”, which has a couple important advantages over recording to a local file

  • With local-file ZOOM recording, when you are finished, you have to wait for the file to render before you can hand the computer (and the classroom it’s in!) over to another instructor. With cloud recording, you stop, sign out, and go.
  • You can’t accidentally lose your file by signing out before the file is rendered.

Whether you record locally or in the cloud, however, you still want to do some editing when it is finished. The long pause at the end, the classroom break, or any other non-content section needs to be removed. So, how to download? How to edit? And where do you upload the edited video so you can link it in Reggienet?

Here are three really short videos, one for each step. The videos are on the campus Office365 Video platform, so you’ll need to log in to view them:

Video 1: Enabling and making cloud recordings in ZOOM

This video 6 minutes long

Enabling Cloud Recording in ZOOM
– Sign in to video conferencing dashboard at
– “Settings”, “Recording”,
– Enable “Cloud recording”
– “Record audio-only” not selected
– “Audio Transcript” selected
– “Optimize the recording for 3d party video editor” selected

– Start a meeting, either with other participants, or even just yourself
– Click ‘Record’ and choose “Record to the cloud”
– Rendering happens in cloud so you can let someone else use the computer when you are done
– Cloud recording protects you from losing your file if you forgot and logged off while a local recording was rendering
– When you end the meeting, recording stops and rendering begins in the cloud. You’ll get an email when it’s ready to download

Video 2: Quick Video Editing in Adobe RUSH

This video 7 minutes long

  • Open Adobe Rush
  • – Create new project, give it a descriptive name
  • – Click “+” then “Media”, Media Browser opens
  • – Select the video file you downloaded
  • – Click the ‘Create’ button
  • – Close the media browser
  • – Set cursor at editing cut point, click ‘Scissors’
  • – Make another cut if needed, then select section between cuts
  • – Press ‘Delete’ key on keyboard, selected section is out. Repeat as needed.
  • – Export the file: click ‘Share’, ‘
  • – Local file (Give descriptive name)
  • – “Share” to local file. Give file descriptive name. Set to 1080p, 25 or 30 frames per second. (I know I said 720 in the video, but it is context dependent. 1080 is best in a video where fine details are helpful)

Office365 Video has been replaced by Microsoft Stream (which is still part of Office365). So I’m replacing this video with an updated version on Microsoft Stream as soon as I can

  • Log into Office 365
  • “Stream”
  • “Upload” (Select channel)
  • Drag video file to uploading
  • Set “Visible to everyone in the company” or share to a specific group.
  • “Go to Video”
  • “Share” to copy a link for Reggienet

Video will process in the background: you will get an email when it is ready to view.

Reference Links

KB 2969 Recording a ZOOM meeting
KB 7177 Recording a ZOOM meeting to a local file
KB 7178 Recording a ZOOM meeting to the cloud

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