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Collected literary (not scientific, financial or political) writings of Krzysztof Ostaszewski are also presented in Opera Omnia.
Krzysztof Ostaszewski has written the followiong five volumes of poetry:
- Pytania (in Polish), Pokolenie Ktore Wstepuje, Warsaw, Poland, 1980.
- Patrzymy na zwierzeta (in Polish), Wydawnictwo Iskry, Warsaw, Poland, 1982.
- Pozornie przynajmniej (in Polish), Wydawnictwo Lodzkie, Lodz, Poland, 1984.
- Propositions (English translation of Polish originals), Purple Heather Publications, Cowling, West Yorkshire, England, 1986.
- Possible Solutions (English translation of Polish originals), Legerete Publications, Daphne, Alabama, U.S.A., 1986.
Poetry publications in periodicals are presented below, separated by the year of publication.
- Opus 25, tragedia; opus 26, komedia; opus 27, tragedia; opus 40, tragedia, opus 41, tragedia, str. 103-105 w antologii Kocham Wieczor Autorski na Placu Wolnosci, Lodz, Poland, 1996, ISBN 83-903158-0-7.
- “The Gods of the Copybook Headings“, 1919 poem by Rudyard Kipling, translated to Polish by Krzysztof Ostaszewski in 1995. Wiersz “Bogowie Ksiag Starych” napisany przez Rudyarda Kiplinga w 1919 roku, tlumaczenie Krzysztofa Ostaszewskiego z roku 1995.
- Opus 4, a tragedy, p. 15 in Dreams And Nighmares, 26(1989), Sinking Swami Press Publications, Troy, New York.
- Poem beginning with words “it is curious reality is composed of repetitions …”, English translation by Wojtek Stelmaszynski, The Jefferson Review, No. 2, Spring 1988, Louisville, Kentucky.
- Opus 64, a comedy, Fennel Stalk, Winter 1987, p. 25.
- Opus 18, a tragedy, opus 17, a tragedy, opus 13, a comedy, and opus 21, a tragedy, Thinker, vol. 11, No. 3, Summer 1987, pp. 3-5.
- Opus 75, a comedy, Prophetic Voices, An International Literary Journal, ISBN 0734-3027, by Heritage Press, Novato, California, U.S.A., 1986, p. 32.
- Opus 5, a comedy; opus 53, a comedy; and opus 7, a comedy, English translations by the author and by Wojtek Stelmaszynski, Fiction 1986, anthology edited by Guy Daniels and Leslie Woolf Hedley, Exile Press, California/New York, U.S.A., ISBN 0-933515-10-3, pp. 196-199.
- Opus 23, a comedy, Poetry Australia, 101(1985), p. 41, Berrima, New South Wales, Australia.
- Poem written in Minneapolis on July 28, 1984, (English original) and opus 17, a tragedy (English translation by Wojtek Stelmaszynski),The Toll Gate Journal, 1(1985), Cowling, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom, pp. 12-13.
- Poem written in Seattle on January 10, 1983, English translation by Wojtek Stelmaszynski, Legerete, International Edition (1985), Daphne, Alabama, U.S.A., p. 58.
- Poem beginning with words “there’s an alien among us …“, p. 80 in In Quiet Places anthology, edited by Shirley J. Mikkelson, Quill Books, Minot, North Dakota, U.S.A., 1985.
- Opus 80, a tragedy, Waves, Volume 13, No. 1, Spring 1985, p. 101.
- Wiersz napisany w Seattle 26 lipca 1982; wiersz napisany w Seattle 17 maja 1982; wiersz napisany w Lodzi 10 lipca 1977; wiersz napisany w Seattle 25 maja 1982; wiersz napisany w Seattle 30 kwietnia 1982, Nowy Jork, czwartek, 16 maja 1985, str. 11.
- Opus 5, a comedy, page 36 in Broken Streets IV anthology, Four Winds Press, Phoenix, Arizona, 1985.
- “Wskazowki dla poczatkujacego gladiatora,” Kultura, nr 12/447, Instytut Literacki, Maisons-Laffitte, Francja, 1984. str.43.
- Opus 47, a comedy, The New Quarterly 4(3) (1984), p. 35, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
- Poem beginning with words “There are so many questions around me …” written in Lodz on November 19, 1979 p. 44 in: Poetry Australia 92 (1984), Berrima, New South Wales, Australia.
- Opus 83, tragedia; opus 110, tragedia; opus 29, tragedia; wiersz napisany w Seattle 9 sierpnia 1982, Echo Tygodnia, 92, 12-18 lipca 1984, Toronto, Kanada, str. 12.
- Poem written July 28, 1984 in Seattle, p. 37 in Moments, Moods and Memories, vol. III, edited by Shirley J. Mikkelson, Quill Books, Minot, North Dakota, ISBN 0-943536-06-5.
- Poem beginning with words “I speak to you of flowers …” written in Nowa Wies Szlachecka on July 20, 1980, and opus 63, a tragedy, pp. 55-56 in: Amelia Vol. 1, No. 2, Bakersfield, California, October 1984.
- Opus 12, komedia; Opus 13, komedia; Opus 14, komedia; Opus 15, tragedia; Opus 16, komedia; Opus 22, tragedia; Opus 111, tragedia, Przeglad Polski, Nowy Dziennik, Nowy Jork, czwartek, 6 grudnia 1984, str. 11.
- Opus 7, komedia, Echo Tygodnia, Toronto, 9 czerwca 1983.
- Opus 47. comedie; Opus 2, tragedie (traducteur: Helene Wlodarczyk); Opus 47, komedia; Opus 2, tragedia,Wieloczas/Le Temps Pluriel, No. 1-2. pp. 92-93, Paris, France, 1983.
- Poem beginning with “comic reality is composed of repetitions …”, English translation by Wojtek Stelmaszynski, American Poetry Anthology, Edited by John Frost, Volume II, Number 1-2, Spring/Summer 1983, p. 488. ISBN 0-88147-004-x.
- Poem beginning with “it is curious reality is composed of repetitions …”, English translation by Wojtek Stelmaszynski, American Poetry Anthology, Edited by John Frost, Volume II, Number 3-4, Fall/Winter 1983, p. 20. ISBN 0-88147-005-8.
- Opus 24, a tragedy; opus 34, a comedy; opus 35, a comedy; opus 87, a comedy; opus 108, a comedy, English translation by Wojtek Stelmaszynski, The Antigonish Review, No. 55, Autumn 1983, St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada, pp. 86-89.
- Poem beginning with “I am a dark cloud over the city …“,P.S.,The Universe Sings, edited by M. Poage, ISBN 0-914273-01-3, P&S Publishing, Holly Hill, Florida, U.S.A., 1983, p. 100.
- Opus 2, a tragedy; opus 13, a comedy, opus 16, a comedy, opus 20, a comedy, opus 23, a comedy, English translation by the author and by Wojtek Stelmaszynski, The Antigonish Review, No. 55, Winter 1983, St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada, pp. 115-117.
- Wiersz napisany w Seattle 11 grudnia 1981; wiersz napisany w Seattle 5 maja 1982; wiersz napisany w Seattle 3 lutego 1983, Przeglad Polski, Nowy Dziennik, Nowy Jork, 24 lutego — 2 marca 1983, str. 7.
- “On the apparent superiority of tragedy over comedy and the consequent misunderstandings,” translated by Wojtek Stelmaszynski, Poetry Australia 83, April 1982, pp. 29-31.
- Opus 7, opus 18, opus 28, opus 48, opus 21, translated by Wojtek Stelmaszynski, Poetry Australia 81, February 1982, pp. 22-23.
- Opus 6, a tragedy, and opus 14, a tragedy, Writ, 14, Innis College, University of Toronto, Canada, 1982, pp. 143-144.
- Opus 1, tragedia; Opus3, komedia; Opus 4, tragedia; Opus 30, komedia; Opus 80, tragedia; Opus 82, tragedia, Przeglad Polski, Nowy Dziennik, Nowy Jork, czwartek, 15 kwietnia 1982, str. 11.
- Opus 72 i Opus 18 (str. 51), oraz wypowiedz na temat sytuacji mlodych poetow (str. 87-88), Debiuty Poetyckie antologia, Mlodziezowa Agencja Wydawnicza, Warszawa, 1982.
- Opus 12, a comedy, opus 30, a comedy, opus 75, a comedy, Michigan Quarterly Review, vol. 20, No. 4, Fall 1981, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, pp. 423-424.
- Opus 72, opus 57, opus 32, opus 25, Antologia “Pokolenie Ktore Wstepuje, 1975-1980“, redakcja: Jerzy Leszin-Koperski i Andrzej K. Waskiewicz, Mlodziezowa Agencja Wydawnicza, Warszawa, 1981, str.137-139.
- Opus 74, opus 83, opus 101, “O pozornej wyzszosci tragedii nad komedia i wynikajacych stad nieporozumieniach,” Osnowa 1(1981), str. 87-93.
- Opus 28, komedia i opus 24, komedia, Literatura, Polski Magazyn Literacki, Zima 1980, Hollywood, California, U.S.A.
- Opus 2, tragedia, Integracje, lipiec 1979, Warszawa, str. 9.
- “Sianokosy”, “Ja”, “Zawal Serca”, “Amadeusz”, “Wedrowiec”, “Smutek“, Zycie Literackie, 11 wrzesnia 1977, debiut.
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