Oct 2024: Tuba was selected as the ISU GradBird Scholar. Her project is “Converting Cover Crop Biomass to Biogas and Volatile Fatty Acids”.
Sep 2024: Redbird Impact had an article on our sustainable urban farming project, sponsored by the USDA.
Aug 2024: Shelby successfully defended her proposal. Congratulations!
Aug 2024: Tuba successfully defended her proposal. Congratulations!
Jul 2024: Dr. Yang and Shelby presented at the ASABE annual international meeting.
Apr 2024: Shelby, Tuba, and Michael presented their posters at the ISU research symposium and ISU annual cover crop field day. Click here to see Tuba in the symposium.
Apr 2024: Michael Moklak was selected for the college Outstanding Student Researcher award.
Mar 2024: Dr. Yang presented at the CAST College Research and Innovation Networking Event.
Feb 2024: Tuba Yasmin was selected for The Red and White Student Scholarship from the ISU Financial Aid office.
Feb 2024: Dr. Yang rang the bell at the University Founding Celebration.
Dec 2023: Drs. Yang and Kopsell received the University Outstanding Cross-Disciplinary Team Research Award. News report here.
Dec 2023: Dr. Yang received the College Outstanding Researcher Award.
Nov 2023: Drs. David Kopsell, Liangcheng Yang, and Maria Boergen were awarded a USDA-HEC grant to work on sustainable urban agriculture ($148,664).
Oct 2023: Dr. Yang presented at the ISU Water Wednesday.
Sep 2023: Dr. Yang and Dr. Rhykerd were awarded an Iowa Soybean Association grant for nutrient cycling research ($199,872).
Aug 2023: Dr. Yang and Dr. Kopsell were awarded a USDA Grant for anaerobic digestion research and education ($149,895).
Aug 2023: Dr. Yang was awarded an EPA grant for air quality research (Co-PI, $440,485).
May 2023: Dr. Yang was recognized as the RSO Faculty Advisor of the Year.
Nov 2022: Dr. Yang was awarded a Shimadzu Equipment Grant ($12,600).
Apr 2022: Rowan presented at the University research symposium and was interviewed.
Oct 2021: Dr. Yang received the Bioresource Technology (Impact factor of 11.88 in 2021) Most Cited Articles Award for 2021.
May 2021: Gabriela Ornelas and Rowan Carroll were selected as the 2021 Association of Environmental Health Academic Programs (AEHAP) Student Research Competition winners.
Apr 2021: Rowan and Dr. Yang received a grant for nutrient recovery research.
Oct 2020: Dr. Yang was awarded a grant for N95 mask filtration research.
June 2020: Dr. Yang and Dr. Kopsell were awarded a USDA grant for anaerobic digestion research ($149,968).
May 2020: Dr. Yang was awarded the Scott M. Elliott Cross-Disciplinary Pilot Program Grant (Co-PI)
Apr 2020: Trevar Moran was selected as the 2020 ISU Bone Student Scholar.
Apr 2020: Dr. Yang received the College Outstanding Teacher Award.
May 2020: Dr. Yang was recognized as the Member of the Year by the Illinois Environmental Health Association Central Chapter.
Jul. 2019: Summer Corsolini was selected as a 2019 Association of Environmental Health Academic Programs (AEHAP) Student Research Competition winner
Apr 2019: Dr. Yang was awarded a URG grant.
Apr 2019: Summer Corsolini was recognized as the College Oustanding Student Researcher of the Year.
May 2018: Dr. Yang was awarded the Scott M. Elliott Cross-Disciplinary Pilot Program Grant (Co-PI)
Mar 2018: Summer Cosolini presented a research poster at the ISU research symposium.
July 2017: Alisha Kottke was recognized as the Student of the Month by the National Environmental Health Association.
Apr 2017: Dr. Yang was awarded a URG grant.
Mar 2017: Alisha Kottke was recognized as the College Outstanding Student Researcher of the Year.
Nov 2016: Dr. Yang received the Illinois State University Research Initiative Award
Oct 2016: Dr. Yang received the CAST Outstanding Research Award (pre-tenure)
Oct 2016: Dr. Yang was awarded the Illinois State University Cross-disciplinary Grant Development Grant.
Aug 2016: Zhonghua Zheng received the first-place paper award at the AOC annual meeting.
Apr 2016: Eric Dietrich and Alisha Kottke presented a poster at the Illinois State University Research Symposium.
Apr 2016: Dr. Yang was awarded a URG grant.