2201 Eastland Drive, Suite 1 Bloomington, lL 61704 Phone: (309) 663-5433 Fax: (309) 663-7024 Toll-Free: (888) 543-3245
LIFE Center for Independent Living advances equality and integration of all persons with disabilities. Through information and referral, they offer guidance in locating available services and products that empower people with disability to live independently. They also provide tips on how to access assistive services and products.
Low-Vision Program
This program helps seniors (55+) who have severe vision loss or are legally or totally blind. They must reside in Mclean, Livingston, Ford or Dewitt County. There is no charge for any of the services or assistive devices provided. Our Vision Access Advocate, Kim, will talk to individuals about their vision and changing needs, and can provide many types of assistive devices. Kim provides education on how to use the devices as a regular part of their lives and this can lead to greater independence.
Some of the assistive devices that are available are the following: hand held and standing lighted magnifiers in many powers; digital electronic magnifiers, talking products, such as clocks, watches, scales; and low vision large print calendars, check registers and address books. For an appointment, call Kim at (309) 663-5433, or email her at
Amplified Telephone Program
LIFE CIL is an ITAC, Illinois Telecommunication Access Corporation provider. This is a FREE amplified telephone program for those who have trouble hearing over the phone. Residents of Illinois can check their eligibility against the following criteria.
Apply for an amplified telephone! It’s Easy as 1-2-3!
Eligibility requirements:
- You must be a resident of Illinois with hearing loss to the extent that you can no longer functionally use the standard phone system. (no certain level level of hearing loss required)
- You must have an active phone line/phone service
- Standard/”house” phone
- Cellular
- Pre-Paid
- Your must have your application signed by a medical provider, such as:
- Doctor or Audiologist
- Speech-Language Pathologist
- Hearing Aid Specialist
- Nurse Practitioner/Physicians Assistant
There are NO age or income restrictions! The person must have a valid driver’s license or a state ID and show a copy of their phone bill.
Once your application is filled out and signed by your medical professional, contact LIFE Center for Independent Living (LIFE CIL) and make an appointment to test the phones (available in Bloomington and Pontiac). Once you choose the right phone, LIFE CIL faxes your form to ITAC and they ship the phone direct to your home.
Reach us by email at or by phone at (309) 663-5433.