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Institutional Membership Fees

The Intercollegiate Biomathematics Alliance (IBA) offers institutional memberships to colleges and universities that are interested in joining the IBA family, a consortium committed to advancing education and research opportunities in mathematical biology, for all their students and faculty.

Once an institution joins the IBA, then all of its students and faculty from mathematics, biology, and related fields gain access to a vast variety of opportunities that are available only to the institutional members.

The amount of the membership fee paid by each institution is tied to that institution’s total student population size.

Institutional memberships are valid from July 1st through June 30th of the following year.

As of July 1st, 2017, the fees are as seen in the following table:​

Total Student PopulationMembership Fees
Less than 1,000$500
More than 15,000$5,000
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