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WordPress Example Page

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Welcome to the Personal Page Example

This is an example of an ISU’s WordPress Staff Personal Webpage. Here there are some examples of sections that can be used when an ISU’s staff will create their Staff Personal page. The steps to create the same sections founded on this home page and some design tips will be displayed as text content on the interior pages. The first steps on how to create pages and how to use the main WordPress functions can be found in the button link above.


Featured Items

Pages Content

The Homepage is the first contact that the visitors have to the content the author of the page will present to them..

Basic Design Tips

To create a consistent website is important to pay attention to some basic design elements…

Creating Sections using Columns

To help future authors to create more dynamic webpages…

Featured Items – Option 2

Pages Content

This is another way to create a section to showcase some interior pages or the latest posts. There’s no automatic option to create this section, this can be created by selecting the two columns block option. The first column holds an image, and the second holds a paragraph with a small part of the text and a button linking to the page. Between the feature items (columns sections), there is a ‘space block’ with the height of 10px. There’s a more detailed explanation of how to create sections on the ‘Creating Sections’ page.

Basic Design Tips

To create a consistent website is important to pay attention to some basic design elements. If the page’s author has a logo, the colors used on the site can follow the same colors of the logo or the author can use ISU’s website colors. Uses no more than three different colors helps to keep the website consistent…

Creating Sections using Columns

To help future authors to create more dynamic webpages, here is a small tutorial of how this website was created. It’s important to keep in mind that not all of the sections created will attend the needs of all the sites, and it’s the job of the author of the site to choose which option is best to inform the content efficiently. There are many other options on how to create sections and this brief introduction will…

Latest Events

Latest Blog Posts

Event One

This is a brief description of an event. A more detailed description can be find on the events page

Event Two

This is a brief description of an event. A more detailed description can be find on the events page


Media Section

If the author has a nice video about his work and wants to display it on the homepage, this can be displayed with some small text explanation and a button link inviting the user to engage in some action that it’s important to the author.

This is the start of a faculty website. For accessibility information and best practices, please review the website and digital accessibility documentation.

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